Joshua Schneeloch – Author, Inspirational Speaker, Insurance Brokerage Owner

Joshua Schneeloch – Author, Inspirational Speaker, Insurance Brokerage Owner

Joshua Schneeloch was born in 1969 in a tiny German village, a black orphan abandoned on the first day of his life. The son of an unwed white German woman and an anonymous Black-American GI, the baby Joshua was given up for adoption at birth and grew up cloistered in a secluded Catholic convent in a bucolic German village, nestled on the southwest border of France. Raised by nuns, young Joshua knew nothing of his birth family and therefore struggled to create an identity for himself in a world where he was unlike anyone else around him. During his childhood, Joshua lived an amazing life but always longed to understand his place in the world.

About Joshua Schneeloch

Q: Please tell us a little bit about your family.
My family history is quite unique and diverse. I was born in 1969 in a tiny German village to an unwed white German woman and an anonymous Black-American GI, which means my biological family background is a mix of German and African-American heritage. For much of my childhood, I was raised by nuns in a secluded Catholic convent in Germany, so I didn’t have a conventional family upbringing. However, later in life, I got married and started a family of my own when I immigrated to the United States. My journey of self-discovery has also been focused on finding my long-lost African-American family.
Q: Please tell us about your current, past, or future career. What do you love most about what you do?
My career has been quite diverse and full of unique experiences. I started by joining the German military, where I became an expert marksman and driver. I then ventured into the world of fashion and became a famous figure in European haute couture fashion, known for my unique look and style. Afterward, I transitioned into television production and programming, including hosting a lifestyle show. Later in my career, I entered the business world, working in sales and digital media before eventually becoming a successful CEO of a startup company in the United States. What I love most about what I do is the constant opportunity for growth and innovation. I’ve always been driven by my dreams, and each career move has allowed me to explore new horizons and push the boundaries of what’s possible.
Q: What advice would you give to people?
Based on my life journey and experiences, I would offer the following advice to people: Embrace diversity: Embrace the diversity within yourself and in the world around you. Our unique backgrounds and experiences shape who we are, and embracing diversity can lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of others. Pursue your dreams: Don’t be afraid to pursue your passions and dreams, no matter the obstacles in your path. My life story is a testament to the power of determination and perseverance in achieving one’s goals. Overcome fear and insecurity: It’s essential to find inner strength and coping mechanisms to overcome fears and insecurities. For me, relying on my spiritual foundation was crucial in facing my fears, particularly the fear of abandonment. Stay determined and adaptable: Life is full of changes and challenges. Stay determined in your pursuits and be adaptable to new opportunities and environments. It’s through adaptability and resilience that we can continue to grow and succeed.
Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?
In the next 5 to 10 years, I envision myself continuing my journey of self-discovery and further connecting with my African-American roots. Professionally, I aim to expand and grow my company or explore new business ventures that align with my passion for innovation and disruption. Additionally, I will remain focused on strengthening the bond with my long-lost black family and learning more about my heritage. My determination and drive will continue to guide me as I pursue my dreams and make a positive impact on both my personal life and the business world.

Joshua Schneeloch & Our Community

Q: What are a couple of your favorite restaurants in our community?
I enjoy European cuisine, you might want to consider visiting “Love & Salt” in Manhattan Beach. It’s known for its Italian-inspired dishes and has received positive reviews for its delicious food and cozy atmosphere. They offer a range of European-inspired dishes, including pasta, pizzas, and seafood. It could be a great choice for a European dining experience in the Manhattan Beach community.
Q: How long have you lived or worked in our community?
My wonderful family and I moved in Spring of 2023 to Manhattan Beach
Q: Who is the most interesting person you’ve met here in our community?
I’ve had the opportunity to meet many fascinating individuals with unique stories and backgrounds. One person who stands out to me is a local historian and storyteller named Sarah and Msgr. John Barry from American Martyrs Catholic Church. Sarah has an incredible knowledge of the area’s history and is passionate about sharing it with others. Her ability to bring the past to life through storytelling and her dedication to preserving the community’s heritage make her a truly captivating and interesting person to interact with.
Q: What current or former local business makes you the most nostalgic about our community?
When it comes to local businesses that evoke nostalgia in our community, I would have to say it’s the “Beachside Café.” This charming café has been a cornerstone of our community for many years, and it holds a special place in my heart. I have fond memories of gathering with friends and neighbors there, enjoying delicious meals, and sharing stories. The Beachside Café’s warm and welcoming atmosphere has always been a source of comfort and a reminder of the close-knit nature of our community.
Q: What is your favorite thing or something unique about our community?
One of my favorite things about our community is the strong sense of unity and inclusiveness. It’s truly unique how people from diverse backgrounds come together to create a vibrant and welcoming environment. Whether it’s the community events, local businesses, or the way neighbors support one another, there’s a palpable feeling of togetherness that sets our community apart. This sense of unity is something I deeply appreciate and cherish about where we live.
Q: If you could choose anyone that is alive today and not a relative; with whom would you love to have lunch? Why? And where locally would y’all meet for this lunch?
It would be the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama has had a significant impact on the nation and the world. He is known for his leadership, eloquence, and commitment to various important issues. For such an occasion, I would recommend a reputable and elegant restaurant in the Manhattan Beach area that offers a private and relaxed dining atmosphere to ensure a meaningful and private conversation. A fine dining establishment with a beautiful view of the ocean or a picturesque spot by the beach could provide the perfect setting for a memorable lunch meeting. During the lunch, one could discuss a wide range of topics, including his experiences as President, his perspectives on current global and national affairs, his post-presidential work, and his thoughts on leadership and public service. Barack Obama’s insights and experiences would undoubtedly make for a thought-provoking and engaging conversation.

For Fun

Q: What is one of your favorite movies? TV shows?
One of my favorite movies is “The Shawshank Redemption.” It’s a compelling and inspirational story of hope, friendship, and resilience. As for TV shows, I appreciate the thought-provoking and character-driven storytelling in “Black Mirror.” The show explores the darker aspects of technology and society, prompting critical reflection on the world we live in.
Q: (Even for friends or family), what is something interesting that most people don’t know about you?
Jet skiing is my personal thrilling and exhilarating water sport that allows me to enjoy the freedom of the open water. Whether it’s speeding across a lake, riding the waves in the ocean, or exploring scenic waterways, its my personal way to have fun and experience the beauty of aquatic environments. My favorite location or destination where I like to go jet skiing is the Ocean right in front of Manhattan Beach.
Q: What would you rate a 10 out of 10?
Good food, a nice hike
Q: Who inspires you to be better?
Ultimately, my wife, inspires me very day to be better, we are aligned with our values, goals, and aspirations. She is my source of motivation and encouragement on my journey of self-improvement and personal growth.
Q: Finally, what 3 words or phrases come to mind when you think of the word HOME?
Comfort Family Sanctuary

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